Jan 14, 2012

An introduction to Lisbon street art/Uma introdução à arte de rua de Lisboa

One thing every visitor will notice about Lisbon is the amount of graffiti everywhere. In most cases, this is of the rather boring tagging variety. On occasion, an artist will take it up a notch and create an image worth recording. I tend to be pretty forgiving of street art if it's creative enough. I've been taking pictures of examples throughout the city, and this will mark the first in a series of posts featuring street art of Lisbon. I will also mention the location, for those who are curious and/or map geeks.

Travessa dos Mastros (our street!)

Rua de Santa Catarina

Travessa de Caldeira

Rua da Quintinha

Rua da Academia das Ciencias

Travessa do Fieis de Deus ("ocupar Sao Bento" is a reference to the "occupy" movement, and Sao Bento refers to the Palacio Sao Bento, the building where parliament sits).

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