Jan 15, 2012

Jardim de Estrela/Star Garden

The Jardim de Estrela is a very nice park in Lisbon, which we strolled through on Christmas Day. I've posted some pictures below. For the curious, Jardim de Estrela does translate to "Star Garden," but the name doesn't refer any special feature of the Garden. The simple but boring explantion is that the park is located in a neighborhood called "Estrela". As to the origin of the neighborhood's name, that I don't know.

This picture is for mom & dad. This is an old French Citroen. My dad loves these cars, and this one was in immaculate condition. Had to take this picture to show them.

This is an old gazebo in the middle of the park. It used to be located in one of the major plazas downtown, but was moved to the park when the plaza was "modernized". It dates from around the turn of the 20th century.

Botanical displays are not the park's main function, although it does have some rather nice examples of them. (Lisbon has a dedicated Botanical Garden/Jardim Botânico, which I will post pictures of later - it's pretty cool). Here is Liz standing in front of palm trees and various cacti. Definitely a change from what I'm used to seeing on Crhistmas!

There are several ponds in Jardim de Estrela, and hence water fowl. Here is some variety of Portuguese duck:

And here are some (massive) geese:

We will return to this place again, it is very nice to stroll through. I am waiting to take more pictures once the season changes and more plants are green and in bloom.

1 comment:

  1. Some very interesting stuff here. Look forward to putting the Jardim Botanico on my must see list. The first ducks look a lot like Egyptian geese that I see at the zoo.

