Feb 25, 2012

Food Photography - For Mom/Fotografia de Alimentos - Para a Mãe

So I had a request from my mother to post photos of meals when we eat out. So, here's the first of the occasional posts I wil do in this vein. This was from the restaurant "Zapata" which is very nearby us and very popular.

This is "Cozido Portugues" which essentially translates as "Portuguese Stew", although "cozido" is one of those words that doesn't translate perfectly to English. Anyway, it's just a mixed plate of stewed meats and vegetables, in this case served with a side of rice and beans, although that is not standard. Amid this pile is three different tyes of sausage, various cuts of pork and beef, and also things like tripe and stomach. In terms of veggies, there was cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. Nice n' hearty.

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