Feb 18, 2012

Some random pictures/Algumas imagens aleatórias

These pics don't really "fit" into a theme post like I've been putting up, so this is just a post with some random pictures that I still felt like sharing.

This shows just how embedded in the neighborhood the Palácio de São Bento (parliament) is. This is looking at it down Travessa da Arrochela.

Convento de Jesus. Large, imposing building, seemingly empty. I don't know why there was a policeman stationed outside.

Here's a detail from abov the door.

The Bairro Alto is a hilly district known for its restaurants and night life. It also serves as an artistic center due to the presence of theaters and fine arts conservatories. This street view transfers none of that information, however. It's the view west down Travessa das Merçes (one of the quieter streets in the area). I thought it was cool with the odd building jutting out, the view, and the plants. A typical cute Lisbon street scene.

Here's a telephoto shot of the view. That's the Ponte 25 de Abril (25th of April Bridge) in the distance.

Shifting to the Chiado district, here is the exterior of the Teatro Estudio Mario Viegas, on Rua dos Duques Debraganças. The Bairro Alto contains theaters you might describe as "off-broadway", the Chiado is home to a few of the more formal variety, including Lisbon's opera company.

I do not know if these stairways serve some purpose, or are merely an architectural flourish.


  1. I can picture Nojo206 climbing those outside stairways! Love all the balconies and other doodads that some of these buildings have on them. In the top photo there is a device in the lower left corner that looks like and oversized movie or tv camera made from a budweiser carton. What is that?

    Uno Hoodoo

  2. Hi,

    First of all, those stairs are way too precipitous for me. No way I'm climbing those all the way up unless it's an emergency.

    As for the "device", you're actually not far off. That's a crate of Super Bock bottles being carted on a gentleman's shoulder. Not sure exactly how many bottles would be in that box but it's definitely bigger than a 24 pack. Maybe a 36-pack? Anyway, Super Bock is one of two main beers here, the other being Sagres. Sagres is absolute piss, while Super Bock is... well, it's slightly more tolerable. Supposedly both breweries make other varieties that may be better, but they are not easy to find. Frankly, I think the Portuguese consider beer as just another type of soda, so they don't pay the "quality" of it much attention. Wine is more important.
