Feb 20, 2012

Where Mrs. Nojo206 works/Onde a Sra. Nojo206 funciona

Here are photos of ISCTE, or to give its full name: Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

The sign marking the main entrance to campus on Avenida das Forças Armadas.

The main walkway into the center of the campus. Various divisions of ISCTE and/or IUL are housed in these buildings. Liz's department's offices are in the last building in the back.

This is the building where her office is located. It used to be up on the 6th floor, behind one of those weird shaded windows. Now she's down on the 1st floor. Much less exciting, but also much less sun glaring into the office.

This was the view from her old office.

1 comment:

  1. Nice digs, Ms. Liz. I guess once one becomes a doctor they get all the classy offices.

